The Sodastream Fountain Jet machine ($79.95) came in an attractive box which included a 60 L carbonator, one 1 liter bottle, an instruction booklet and the machine. The machine has an unobtrusive, streamlined appearance that would fit in well with most people’s kitchen decor. It is made of plastic and does feel kind of flimsy.

The machine was pretty easy to use and set up although the instruction booklet was minimally helpful, it had pictures that were hard for me to interpret. To insert the carbonator you first must remove the cap and wrapping from the carbonator bottle, then remove the back of the machine and put the bottle into the hole and screw it in to the underneath of the top of the machine and reattach the back.

In order to use the machine you must have very cold water to get the best carbonation. I started keeping a bottle of cold water in the fridge just for that purpose. The trickiest part is screwing the bottle in, with one hand you have to push the front part in which makes the part where you screw the bottle in push out. Then using your other hand screw the bottle in. The first few times were a bit tricky but it became easier with practice. After screwing the bottle in push the top button until you hear a loud buzz then push the button two more times to get an average fizz. A problem that I encountered was that it took me around 14 button pushes to get the machine to make a buzz and it would make this sad squeal with every push, then I’d have to push three more times. Even after all of the pushing and hearing three buzzes the carbonation was poor. I couldn't quite figure out what was wrong and then I realized that I wasn't pushing the button hard enough. You have to nearly mash the button to get it to carbonate. The machine isn't made of what appears to be durable materials so I am curious how long it will hold up to the button mashing but as for now it's doing fine.

After carbonating the water then you can mix flavors in if you like. Mixing the Sodastream flavors at first stumped me a little, I tried to pour them into the bottle but I couldn’t get them to mix in well because I didn't want to aggressively shake my fizzy water. I finally settled on using a cup, pouring some of the syrup into the cup and then pouring the carbonated water directly onto the syrup forcefully, at first this made me cringe. I like fizzy soda and always carefully pour soda down the side of the glass to keep from losing carbonation. Because the water is so heavily carbonated, the carbonation lost is minimal and it gets the syrup to dissolve easily. For anyone who thinks they can carbonate their favorite juice unfortunately that will cause a big mess and void the warranty. Only water is able to be carbonated and you can mix whatever flavorings in after.

There are a lot of stores that are selling several Sodastream models; the Sodastream Genesis which is one step up from the Jet in terms of price ($99.95) and the Penguin which has glass bottles. Kohls and Bed Bath and Beyond are two of the mainstream, nationwide retailers that sell them. You can also do carbonator exchanges at Bed Bath and Beyond which is a better alternative for some people than the mail order exchange the company offers.
One of the claims by the Sodastream company is that using their products will save you money and cost only 25 cents per can or liter of fizzy water that you make. This is only partially true according to my calculations below. As a disclaimer I am far from being a math whiz so if someone has any issues with my calculations please leave me a comment.
A soda stream cartridge refill is $15, if you have a Bed Bath and Beyond coupon it could even be cheaper. $15 will give you approximately 60 liters according to the company, a soda stream flavoring is approximately $5.99 and will give you 12 liters per bottle of flavoring or 33 cans.
Flavored Soda Cost:
Cartridge= $15
$5.99 (syrup)x5= $29.95
60L or 160 cans of soda =$44.95
Price per can= $0.28
Price per 1L= $0.75
Carbonated Water Cost:
Cartridge- $15
Price per 1L= $0.25
Price per can= $0.06
A typical 2L at Walmart is $1.50 when not on sale so the Sodastream would actually be an equal price for flavored soda. If I do the math using ounces and cans the Sodastream will seem more economical but because the sodastream doesn’t create 12 ounce cans it makes more sense to compare the price of a 2L to the 1L Sodastream bottles in my opinion.
As for myself the Sodastream is saving me some money. I typically buy 1-3 20 oz bottles of soda at work at $1.50/bottle (I know it’s highway robbery), I’ve been bringing my homemade sodas instead of buying from the overpriced vending machines at work. I could save money by bringing 2L bottles but they are too large and the 1L Sodastream bottles are perfect.
As shown above the cost savings will be greater if you make your own soda flavorings or just drink the sparkling water plain. One of my favorite ways to drink my soda stream water is with a generous squeeze of lime. It’s refreshing and calorie free.
There is no question that the Sodastream is much more “green” than using and recycling plastic bottles or metal cans. It’s nice to know that I am reducing substantially the amount of plastic and metal I am using. Also the sodastream doesn’t use any electricity or batteries which is awesome for anyone who doesn’t have a lot of outlets in their kitchen or who already has enough gadgets plugged in.
The plastic Sodastream bottles are BPA free and all components can be recycled. They cannot be placed in hot water or the dishwasher and they cannot be used indefinitely; my bottles expire in 3 years. The FAQ’s on their website say that the reason the bottles cannot be used indefinitely is that they experience a lot of force with the carbonation and shouldn’t be used for longer than the date on them. I will admit that I don’t care for the giant expiration dates emblazoned across the bottles since I have been carrying them to work and displaying them on my desk. They do look a little odd and I’ve been questioned about them several times by curious coworkers.
If you have concerns about using plastic bottles Sodastream has a model, The Penguin that uses glass bottles which costs $199.95
I’ve had the opportunity to try a good quantity of the Sodastream flavors and overall they are pretty good. Their were only a couple that I absolutely hated, some that I didn’t like and several that have become my favorites. There are some definite positives to the Sodastream flavorings; they have no or low caffeine and contain Splenda instead of Aspartame. Also the regular soda flavorings are quite a bit lower in calories than their commercial counterparts 35 calories per serving vs. 110. One downside to the calorie savings is that ALL of the sodastream flavors contain Splenda, even the regular ones. So if you don’t like Splenda then you are out of luck unless you want to try the Sodastream Naturals line.
The soda stream naturals really impressed me, they are delicious and made with cane sugar and other natural ingredients. The cost for all of the flavor is that their calories are equivalent to commercial brands (around 110 calories per 8 oz.) but in my opinion the two I’ve tried had superior flavor to a lot of the commercial brands. There are 9 different varieties of Sodastream Naturals. The price for regular Sodastream flavorings range from $4.99-6.99 and the naturals are around $9.99 each. I wish the Sodastream website listed all of the caffeine content of their drink mixes because I do like to track that.
The Good:
Cola Zero- This would be the surprising underdog of the flavors. A lot of their diet flavors haven’t impressed me or been on par with diet coke or pepsi to really give me my “fix” This is good, it tastes like a cross between diet coke and diet pepsi.
Cranberry Raspberry- Pretty tasty. Has a definite cranberry flavor, it’s one of my favorites that I reach for often.
Lemon Lime- Similar to Sprite, a clean citrus flavor.
Diet Lemon Lime- Nearly identical to sprite zero, a good flavor
Sparkling Naturals Cola- very good. On par with Coke and Pepsi, also has some caffeine which is good for those of us that crave a little caffeine. My friend who is a Coke addict said that this was “really good.” I wish that the company would list the caffeine content per 8 oz., the calories are equal to Coke or Pepsi
Sparkling Naturals Black Currant Pear- very good. I liked this one a lot. My husband and friend were not as crazy about it although they didn’t dislike it. My friend remarked that it tasted like sparkling fruit juice.
Grape- Good flavor reminiscent of childrens Dimetapp which oddly enough I always enjoyed when I was little. If you’re not a children’s cough syrup junky then this might be a questionable flavor.
Green tea pomegranate peach- surprisingly good. I was certain that I wasn’t going to like it and ended up enjoying it. It definitely tastes artificial, it reminds me of the bottled Lipton green tea flavors.
Rootbeer- My husband really liked this one. Has a pretty decent rootbeer flavor, not as good as some of the commercial brands but we both liked this.
The Okay:
Ruby Red grapefruit- Has a definite artificial flavor but overall not bad, reminded me of crystal light.
Diet ruby red grapefruit- Very strong grapefruit flavor. If you like Fresca you’d like this.
Diet Orange- Good, not fabulous but on par with a “knock off” orange soda. Has a little bit of bitterness that was reminiscent of San Pelligrino Aranciata.
Dr. Pete- Pretty tasty, not as good as Dr. Pepper but a decent approximation.
Diet Rootbeer- Not bad but not good. Weak rootbeer flavor. Wouldn’t purchase again.
Ginger ale- Has a strong artificial flavor that I didn’t like and no discernible ginger flavor. That being said I like my ginger ale to be extremely gingery like Reeds Ginger Brew.
Diet Cola- Didn’t like this, the flavor wasn’t terrible but it didn’t taste good.
Diet Fountain Mist- Okay, seemed like a poor imitation of Diet Mountain dew.
My Water orange- The only My water flavor that I thought was okay. It smells good and adds a faint orange flavor to the water that tasted real.
The Ugly:
Diet Dr. Pete- Really awful bitter taste. It actually made me wipe my tongue because it was so unpleasant. This is the flavor that made me change my soda tasting technique to small initial sips rather than large gulps in case there is another flavor as unpleasant.
Energy- Pretty unpleasant with a bitter, artificial flavor. That being said, I don't like Red Bull so it didn't surprise me that I didn't enjoy this either.
My Water Raspberry- Bitter, artificial flavor that didn't really resemble raspberry.
My Water Lemon Lime- It has a very nice citrusy smell but the taste was very acrid and unpleasant.
I’d recommend this product with reservations; their is very little if any cost savings so if you are looking for something to save you money I wouldn't recommend the Sodastream. Otherwise it's one of those rare machines that does what it says it will. I’d recommend purchasing one of these for anyone who is environmentally conscious and drinks a lot of fizzy beverages and isn’t particularly picky about flavor, although Sodastream has several good flavors they still are not replicas of some of the commercial brands like Coke or Pepsi. The Sodastream isn’t necessarily a better deal but there is something pretty awesome about being able to make many flavors of soda at home without a shopping trip and dragging bottles and cans home.
Disclosure: The Sodastream company provided me with a Sodastream fountain Jet machine and 10 bottles of flavoring, my review was not influenced by this. All opinions are my own.
Becky, I'm not a math major either, but it's only obvious you need to include the cost of the machine in your cost analysis. The grocery store doesn't require a $100 down payment to purchase canned or bottled soda.
ReplyDeleteI agree with that. It's a bit more complicated when you factor in replacement costs of the machine which also has a life expectancy. Since you exchange the canisters, I don't think that should be a consideration.
DeleteAlso, the only calculated cost per liter or 2L was for the 50 servings flavors. The Sparkling Naturals that were so touted for quality have only 25 servings and are almost twice the price.
If you really want to save, you may as well buy the 1L bottles and transfer from 2L value brands (less than a dollar per 2L usually), Or perhaps do as suggested and use something else to flavor the water. There may be other syrups that you could use to flavor and cost less for volume.
Becky, Thank You for the detail review of this product!! It was very insightful!
ReplyDeleteJust got a sodastream Jet. My wife and I drink a variety of sodas, and we have tried a number of the syrups. I'm not one to be impressed with a kitchen gadget. But I'm fanatical about my Gin and Tonics. Using the Diet Tonic, I can make a Gin and Tonic to die for. Probably not what others would do with the unit, but Its a fun way of making my favorite drink better than I thought it could be.
ReplyDeleteALso important to include the cost of any extra cylinders. You will pay $35 for the full cylinder. This is not a deposite it is a recycling fee....Soda Stream does NOT give you the 20$ back.
ReplyDeleteI wont bother you with the complicated calculations, but mine provided that a sodastream system pays for itself after 3 or 4 years if you drink about 7 liters per month of carbonated water. If you intend to replace the flavored sodas the calculations go up pretty fast, so either you drink more soda or wait more time for the appliance to pay for itself.
ReplyDeleteI think the Novelty of it all is what drives the market on this product. It has nothing to do with cost savings because all of your calculations left out the cost of water. I know you might say the water is minimal and I would agree but for one point. I know that at my house I buy a $40.00 filter that is replaced at least semi-annually. This adds another $80.00 to the grand scheme. I just like the fact that my cola is never flat.
ReplyDeleteActually you're wrong. If you're already paying the $80 per year it's not added because you're already paying that now and it wouldn't be a new expense. Or are you saying you'll be buying another 2 per year?
DeleteDecent review, but your math is wrong. You can get refill cylinders for less than 35$.. I don't know where you are going Someone's Mom but really look at the authorized refill centers. Also my math agrees with Carlito's in that the machine pays for itself.
ReplyDeleteWow! Awesome review and very helpful. Thank you so much Becky! I do have a question. Many of my friends who own a sodastream complain about the poor tasting syrup that they sell along with it. I was told that Ralph's Soda Mix was an excellent alternative among a few others. Do you have any recommendations that I should try?
ReplyDeleteThe Sodastream Fountain Jet machine ($79.95) came in an attractive box ...
ReplyDeleteThe Sodastream Fountain Jet machine ($79.95) came in an attractive ...
ReplyDeleteI drink a lot of sparkling water so this ideal for me. Just add a slice of lemon and it is great.
ReplyDeleteGreat review! Thank you for answering my (many) questions. I have been debating over purchasing this...carbonated flavored water is the latest thing in soft drinks....therefore very affordable, so I was wondering if this was worth it or not.....doesn't look like it is.
ReplyDeletethis is such a nice and useful information for us...i appreciate urs word........soda maker machine
ReplyDeletenice blog
ReplyDeletesoda stream machine